OWS gold series

• ambient temperature: 25°C
• inlet air pressure: 7 barg

Consider to oversize the separators if ambient temperature and humidity are higher than nominal ones. Nominal data considered for screw compressors.

ATS offers wide range of solutions which, by working together in perfect harmony, ensure a compressed air perfectly free from condensate, oil and other impurities. High efficiency, reduced downtime/maintenance costs and improved quality product to meet individual customers’ needs. Advanced patented technologies ensuring the most energy efficient solution.
Condensate treatment
During the standard function, compressors produce huge quantities of condense contaminated by oil. This liquid cannot be discharged in the outdoors and has to be treated by a specialized company in order to protect the environment.
ATS developed the Gold series of oil water separators OWS, which remove oil contaminants from the condensate, in order to discharge the water directly in the drainage.
This is not a normal oil water separator: no decantation tank; no external tank to collect oil; simple, fast and effective condensate treatment. The unique advanced design and bag material of high quality , assure an extreme level of filtration.
The OWS Gold separators offer:
• high performances also for new synthetic oils for compressors, that cannot be separated from condensate by traditional ways, such as decantation
• simplified maintenance and consequent reduction of maintenance costs
• lower concentrations of oil, less than 10 ppm/l or lower (by a regular replacement of bags)
• compact dimensions and easy installation
• twin solution, the only separators that can work by this particular combination with two or more separators
• ecological and user-friendly material
• high reliability: the production in our factories in compliance with high quality standard, skilled workers and high quality materials assure high reliability and performances.
Components and operation
• Depressurization chamber removable and directable to allow front or rear connection to drain for an easy installation; depressurization chamber containing an activated carbon filter to avoid atmospheric contamination
• Heavy-duty monobloc plastic tank to avoid any leakage
• Synthetic pre-filter to assure a long life period and protection to carbon filters
• Over-sized activated carbon filter
• possibility to increase double or triple quantities of treated condensate or increase the quality of drain water
• possibility to install it at any time, not only during the first installation
• sole separator that can work as single or double column
• Condensate is introduced in separator through depressurisation chamber of lid (LD)
• Then condensate goes down in separator tank (BD) through the hole of lid (LD)
• Prefilter bag (PF) and activated carbon bag (CF) purify condensate from oil and solid particles
• After this process, condensate can be drained in sewers or can be treated in compliance with National laws